Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Nine Muses by Angeles Arrien

I came across a wonderful book for people who want to continue working with the theme of creativity of this year's FOI Goddess Festival main liturgy, The Winged Pegasus. It is called The Nine Muses by Angeles Arrien.

The book examines each Muse in depth.  Additional chapters explore the derivation of the word "Muse;" Mnemosyne, Mother of the Muses; and the purpose of myth as bridge between community and Mystery.

in the preface, Angeles asks 4 deep questions regarding our society and how our mental tools, collective consciousness, healthy expressions of the frminine principle, and creating a world that works for everyone, are related to our creative abilities.

Each chapter is devoted to a particular Muse. Chapters include images of that Muse, practical exercises such as writing an invocation intended to activate and make accessible her power and presence in our lives, and thoughtful reflections that include intensely pertinent literary expressions intended to awaken deep inner responses. Famous people who embody the power of specific Muses provide examples of that Muse's energy in action.

For example, the chapter about Mnemosyne explores the place of memory in our lives, along with ways to expand its power and purpose. The chapter on Calliope includes contact information for story-telling associations. The chapter on Clio touches on personal, family, and oral history. The chapter on Erato introduces collections of love poetry from other cultures. The excellent chapter on Melpomene not only explores sorrow and suffering, but offers thoughts on release and forgiveness as well.

I recommend this book as a useful way to get to know The Muses, to invite creativity into your life, and as a productive follow-up to the wonderful ritual by Lady Olivia Robertson, The Winged Pegasus.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Mnemosyne is the Mother of the Muses, as well as the River of Remembrance in the Underworld over which she presides.

Even though the Muses are not mentioned in The Winged Pegasus, they are still integral to to the process of being brought to know that which lies deep within ourselves.  The arts help us to do so with compassion.  Here is an excellent overview of Memory and The Muses by The Mnemosyne Foundation, in which Memory is understood in the broadest sense as something that includes  all our previous lifetimes, our evolutionary trail, and the chimaeras within our DNA.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Here is a pronunciation guide for names and words in The Winged Pegasus, courtesy of Demetria:

Pronouncing Guide to The Winged Pegasus, Ray One , FOI Liturgy - Psyche 8

Al Janah, “the Wing” – Al Zhah-nah – a star on the wing of constellation Pegasus.  It is really the star Algenib (Al- Geh-neeb).  Al Janah is on the wing of Corvus.
Andromeda – An-DROH-mee-dah, or An-DRAH-mah-dah
Arion – Air-EE-onn, Ah-RHEE-on
Atalanta – At-ah-LAHN-tuh, or At-uh-LAHN-tah
Atlantis – At-LAN-tiss
Atlas - Et-less, or At-luss, or At-lahss
Bellerophon – Bell-ERR-Oh-phon, or Bel-LAIR-oh-phon
Bhadra-pada – Bha-Dra   Pah-dah, or Bah DRAH - Pah Dah
Capricornus – Kap-ree-Korn-uss
Cetus – Kee-tuus, Kee-toes, or Kee-tuhs
Chimaera – Kee-MARE-uh, Khee-MAY-ruh - Chee-mare-uh and Shim-ur-uh are not ‘right’ but have
        somehow become acceptable for Americans.
Cleito – Klay-EE-toe
Coatlicue – Kwaht-Lee-kway 
Dana – Dah Nah – (can also be Danu - DA Noo)
Delphinus – Del-FEE-nuss, Del-FEE-noos, or Del-FIN-uss
Eire - AIR ruh, AIR-reh – (can also be Eriu – AY-roo, EH-roo)
Equuleus – E-KWU-OO-lee-us 
Eridanus – Eh-ree-Dan-uss, or Er –ree-Daa-nos
 Failias – Feel-ee-ash, Fah-ill-ee-ahsh - the Galactic Stone of Destiny.
Finias, Findias –Fin-eesh, Fin-ee-ahsh - the Spear of Destiny
Ganymede – Gann-ah-Mee-dee, Gan-ee-Mee-dee, or Gan-uh-Mee-dees
Gorias – Goh-reesh, Go-ree-ahsh - the Sword of Light.
Hebe – Hee-Bee
Hy Brasil –  Iy Bresail, Ui Breasil –  hWee Bresh-ell,  hWee-Breh-Shall.
Kalki – KAAL – kee, or KUHL-key
Lir - Lear
Magonia – Muh-goh-nee-ah, or Mah-goh-nee-ya
Manannan - MaNa - Nan , Mahnah – Nan (1st 2 syllables are said fast together)
Mari – MARR-ee, or MAW-ree
Medusa – Meh-DOOH-sah, May-DOOS –sah or Med-OOH-suh
Murias  . Meer-eesh, Muh-ree-ahsh  - the Cauldron of Plenty. 
Odin – OH-dinn
Pegassids – Peg-AH-seeds, or PEG-uh-sidds
Pegasus  - Peh-GAHSS-ohs, Pe-GAH-suuss - Peg-uh-siss is acceptable.
Perseus – Pair-See-uss, Pear-Say-oos, or Pur-see-us
Pisces – Pess-kees, Pee-skees, or Pis-keys
Pisces Australis – Pess-kees Aw-stray-liss, or Pis-kees Aw-strah-liss
Poseidon – Po-SIGH-dunn is popular.  Po-SEED-ohnn is acceptable.
Pouka – Pooh-kuh, or Pooh-kah
Purva – Pur-wah
Quetzal- coatl – Ketz-ahl-Kwott-l, Ketz-el-Koh-aht-lee
Quetzal-petlatl – Ke-tzahl-Pet-laht-l, Ke-tzel-Pet-laht-l 
Rhiannon – Rhee-ANN-unn, or Ry-ANN-ann
Scheat  - Shee-aht, Shee-att – star that is beta Pegasus.
Sleipnir – SLEEP-near (Norse), SLIP-nirr (Icelandic)
Tuatha de Danaan - TOO 'ha dA Dah n'n , TOO ‘ha dAy DAH n’n
Uttara – Oot-tara
Xolotl –Show-loat-l,  Shoh-ahl
Zedechias – Zed-eh-KY-uss

Compilation by Demetria Nanos, ©2011.  Any errors are unintentional and are mine.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Perseid Meteor Showers

The Greek hero Perseus had a mythic connection with Pegasus.

May you have clear skies for viewing the Perseid meteor shower, which is underway, and usually peaks on the night of August 12-13.  The best time to look is during the hours before dawn on Saturday morning, August 13th, when the glaring Moon is relatively low and meteor rates are highest.  Full coverage is at Space Weather.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pegasus-Themed Activities in Chicago

If you are coming to Chicago for the Annual FOI Goddess Festival, you may enjoy the following:

We have a wonderful Greek restaurant in Greektown here called The Pegasus.  They have excellent food and drinks, with indoor dining or if you prefer, al fresco on the veranda roof deck.  Pegasus is a nice destination to visit when you come to Chicago.

There is also the Pegasus Players Theatre!

Medusa's - the dance/nightclub has moved out to Elgin, Ill. It is still supposed to be a wild time!

The closest we have to a Neptune or Poseidon location is the John G. Shedd Aquarium, located at our beautiful museum campus on the south end of downtown at the lakefront.  You can also visit the
"Whales of the Deep" exhibit at the nearby Field Museum of Natural History before or after.  The museums are about 1 block apart from each other.

Arlington Park Race Track

Many horses can be seen at Arlington Park Race Track.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Buck (The Film)

Your horse is a mirror to your soul, and sometimes you may not like what you see. Sometimes, you will.” 

BUCK, a richly textured and visually stunning film, follows Buck  Brannaman from his abusive childhood to his phenomenally successful approach to horses. A real-life “horse-whisperer”, he eschews the violence of his upbringing and teaches people to communicate with their horses through leadership and sensitivity, not punishment.

See this movie!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Horses & Feng Shui

Here is an article about the Chinese zodiac horse and the feng shui of horse images.  It mentions Pegasus in passing, also.


The Chimaera is a calendrical beast, representing the three seasons of planting, war, and harvest/rest, or the signs Leo (lion), Hydra or Serpens (serpent) & Capricorn(goat).  Some think the Chimaera is a political allegory beast, but the calendrical theory is more prevalent.


Medusa is African - she is the power in the west of the Mediterranean as Poseidon is in the east.

The sea god's name on the African side of the Mediterranean is Yamm in Libya and Egypt.

Medusa is wisdom, holiness, love, passion, nobility, pride, beauty; power, independence, defiance, strength of will,
clash with authority, rage, punishment, disfigurement, anger, depression, vengeance, hypnosis (hip gnosis),
 secrecy, mystery.  She is a fertile Earth goddess of both surface world and Underworld, a protective mother to humans
and animals alike, hostile to thieves and invaders.  Medusa is part of a close and loyal sisterhood of family and priestesses;
she can also be connected to islands close to the coast (earth held in the embrace of the sea god).  Masks were likely used for Gorgonic rites.  Medusa remained an apotropaic symbol of protection and repulsing evil for centuries throughout the
Mediterranean world.  Her gaze and grinning boar tusked face decorated many temples and city walls.

Her father was Phorcys (another sea god, maybe a seal god) and her mother was Keto, as in Phoenician Der-keto.
 (Cetus is the sea monster or whale in the same quadrant of the sky that Pegasus and Andromeda are in.)  The Gorgon
sisters had 'monstrous' primeval siblings, too.  They include the Echidna, Ladon, Scylla, and the Graeae, another triplicity
of oracular sisters, among others.  Here is the Theoi website link: http://www.theoi.com/Pontios/Phorkys.html

from the writings of Alcman, Fragment 1 (trans. Campbell, Vol. Greek Lyric II) (Greek lyric C7th B.C.) :
"Let no man . . . attempt to marry . . . a daughter of Phorkos."


Pihassos is a Hittite thunder/lightning god or spirit.

Pegasus was on the official coins of Corinth, too.  His adventures take place mostly in Anatolia.


Po-seidon (Ruler or Power of Sidon) is a pan-Mediterranean sea god, from East to West. 

Here is the link to the sea deity page:     http://www.theoi.com/greek-mythology/sea-gods.html

Poseidon is not merely emotion, he is a source of life giving fresh water, fertilizer of the Earth (Medusa, Demeter,
Athene, Aphrodite, etc.), the Earthshaker who brings earthquakes, etc., the god of storms (his horse son Pihassos/Pegasus
carries lightning for Zeus, too), tsunamis, hurricanes, and drought; the giver of good fishing, seaweeds, and trading 'luck', bounty,
abundance; wine, oils, pearls, coral, shells, sea amber, ambergris, purple & rose dyes from the sea snails of Phoenicia;
the god of sailors, shipping, harbors, horses, horsemen, and horse culture,  a god of action and adventure.

Poseidon is a god of political power, chiefs, admirals, and kings.   Armies with cavalry and navies were counted among
his followers.  He is the god of the sea and the earth, a god of action and passion, one who demands respect and
remembrance, as his punishment of Odysseus showed us.  Poseidon also allied himself with Hera against Zeus, in both
the rebellion of Olympos (by binding Zeus) and with the Greeks in the Trojan War.

Poseidon energy is forthright and open about needs, wants, desires, and necessity.  Poseidon can be courteous or brutal.
The mysterious part of planet Neptune in astrology draws upon the mythic powers or energies of shape-shifter water gods, like Thetis, Proteus and Nereus (acting, deception, conflict, struggle, and 'distorting' or 'shaping' the truth); while the emotion, passion, storminess, sailors, ships, fish and sea-related things, and horsiness are Poseidon.

Planet Neptune's assignment of 'dreams & visions' also includes the mythic/mystic aspects of Hypnos and Somnolos,
healing of Asklepios (via dream incubation), the music and hypnotic sway of Orpheus, dancing of the Muses, while the
intoxicating energy of planet Neptune is Dionysian.  Neptune is quite a collective of deity energies!


Bellerophon is a name related to Bel, or Ba'al, a thunder god of the Levant and Mesopotamia.  

He was from Corinth, a goddess stronghold in the classical days.   It's interesting to note that one meaning
of his name means 'slayer of Bellarus", and the sphere of Bellerophon's adventures is not far from the place we now call
Belarus (bel = 'shining, good, fair, light, white' - White Russia).  His 'proper' name is Hipponous - "he knows horses" or
"horse knowledge".   He is also called Bellerophontes. 

 Let us contemplate this:  A young hero (hero is related to Hera) with a theophoric name from a thunder god (Bel or Ba'al),
mounts a winged horse of Heavenly Light who used to be a spirit of thunder and lightning, and the hero shoots his
arrows down at the Chimaera, imitating lightning, to slay it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Pegasus Meditation

This contemplation of the meanings and qualities of Pegasus is interesting, though it meansers a bit.


In case you were wondering, Scheat is pronounced SHEE-at.

Here is information about the astrological influences of the star Scheat.


Visit Rich's Pegopedia for a comprehensive list of keywords, archetypes, and concepts associated with Pegasus. 

This is an awesome resource!

The article about Pegasus Syndrome is here as well.  I want to express my gratitude to its author, but since the article appears all over the internet, I am not sure of its origin.

Pegasus Syndrome

Here is a wonderful insight to contemplate about the meaning of the constellation Pegasus:

"The Pegasus Syndrome, as exemplified in the legends of Perseus and Bellerophon, is concerned with the innate ability possessed by some people to negotiate difficulties by rising above them, on the one hand, and the danger of overreaching themselves, on the other.

Pegasus, by birth, is the child of Medusa and Neptune, symbols of 'wisdom' and 'emotion,' respectively, which shows the dichotomy of his nature.

As in the story, Bellerophon attempted to fly to Olympus (overreach his potential). He believed that Pegasus was subject to his will. However, it was Pegasus who made it to Olympus, while Bellerophon was tossed back to earth, lame and reproached by others.

It is unwise to take any situation for granted as the 'lesser' person (or, in this case, beast) may be the very one to teach us the much needed lesson in humility.

Pegasus is also indicative of a specific mission in life which the inquirer will always find the time and energy to pursue, although the path may be sewn with difficulties (the Chimaera) and limitations (Bellerophon's doubt or arrogance). So, the Pegasus Syndrome is the seeming ability to "fly over any situation," though the reverse may be a lesson in humility, being "taken down a peg," as it were."

[thank you to Constellations of Words.]


Markab is a major star in the constellation of Pegasus.

It can influence the waters and the mind  in a violent way, or a way that interfers with good judgment.

Fixed Stars in Pegasus

The magic of this ritual involves accessing and connecting with the energies, meanings,  lessons, and other influences of the fixed stars in the constellation of Pegasus.

These stars if places significantly in the natal chart can influence various connections with horses: healing them, controlling them, and understanding them on a deep level.  They incline towads the powers of the horse-whisperer, or the person with the horse as their spirit guide.

Here is a link to commentary by ancient writers about the fixed stars in Pegasus.

If negatively aspected, these stars can encourage the states of imbalance deiplayed by Bellerophon and Pegasus in some tales: e.g. impulsiveness, rage, violence,  etc....all things UNBRIDLED, so to speak.  Other negative influences of this constellation result in destructive powers of water.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stars of Pegasus

This ritual invokes the powers, energies, and initiations of stars in the constellation Pegasus.

What are these stars called? here is a Wikipedia article about the astronomy of Pegasus.

Here are some Pegasus Star Tales.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Goddess Festival

The annual FOI Goddess Festival in Chicago will take place Saturday, October 1, 2011.

Make your reservation now!

Visit the website of the Fellowship of Isis in Chicago to register, see the program, etc.

If you want registration forms sent to you, email DeeAnkh@sbcglobal.net

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mount Helicon

Mtg. Helicon is a mountain in Greece that is sacred to the Muses.  On it are two springs that are the source of creative inspiration, one of which was made by Pegasus.  Poseidon is sometimes called "the Lord of Helicon."

here is a Wikipedia article about Helicon.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Divine and Shining Horses

All links here are from Theoi.com.  Demetria will send another post about a different sky-horse.

These are supportive texts regarding the myths and legends of the Hellenes about divine horses, many of them white and 'shining'.  Some pertain to Poseidon, the horse god of the Hellenes, Greeks, and possibly Anatolia and the Levant.  These texts should help to create a more fully formed idea of the importance and symbolism of white horses in divine or magical contexts:

Immortal Horses of the Gods:

204. The usual tradition seems to have been that Idas and Lynceus, the sons of Aphareus, were engaged to be married to the daughters of Leucippus, who were their cousins, since Aphareus and Leucippus were brothers (see above, Apollod. 3.10.3). They invited to their wedding Castor and Pollux, who were cousins both to the bridegrooms and the brides, since Tyndareus, the human father of Castor and Pollux (see above, Apollod. 3.10.7), was a brother of Aphareus and Leucippus (see above, Apollod. 3.10.3). But at the wedding Castor and Pollux carried off the brides, and being pursued by the bridegrooms, Idas and Lynceus, they turned on their pursuers. In the fight which ensued, Castor and Lynceus were slain, and Idas was killed by Zeus with a thunderbolt. See Theocritus xxii.137ff.; Scholiast on Hom. Il. iii.243; Scholiast on Pind. N.Chiliades ii.686ff.; Hyginus, Fab. 80; Ovid, Fasti v.699ff.; Scriptores rerum mythicarum Latini, ed. Bode, i. p. 27 (First Vatican Mythographer 77). According to Apollodorus, however, the fight between the cousins was occasioned by a quarrel arising over the division of some cattle which they had lifted from Arcadia in a joint raid. This seems to have been the version of the story which Pindar followed; for in his description of the fatal affray between the cousins (Pind. N. 10.60(112)ff.) he speaks only of anger about cattle as the motive that led Idas to attack Castor. The rape of the daughters of Leucippus by Castor and Pollux was a favourite subject in art. See Paus. 1.18.1; Paus. 3.17.3; Paus. 3.18.11; Paus. 4.31.9. The names of the damsels, as we learn from Apollodorus, were Phoebe and Hilaira. Compare Stephanus Byzantius, s.v. Aphidna; Prop. i.2.15ff.; Hyginus, Fab. 80. At Sparta they had a sanctuary, in which young maidens officiated as priestesses and were called Leucippides after the goddesses. See Paus. 3.16.1. From an obscure gloss of Hesychius, s.v. pôlia, we may perhaps infer that these maiden priestesses, like the goddesses, were two in number, and that they were called “the colts of the Leucippides.” Further, since the name of Leucippus, the legendary father of the goddesses, means simply “White Horse,” it is tempting to suppose that the Leucippides, like their priestesses, were spoken of and perhaps conceived as white horses. More than that, Castor and Pollux, who carried off these white-horse maidens, if we may call them so, were not only constantly associated with horses, but were themselves called White Horses (leukopôloi) by Pind. P. 1.66(126) and “White Colts of Zeus” by Euripides in a fragment of his lost play the Antiope. See S. Wide, Lakonische Kulte (Leipsig, 1893), pp. 331ff.; A. B. Cook, Zeus, i.442. These coincidences can hardly be accidental. They point to the worship of a pair of brother deities conceived as white horses, and married to a pair of sister deities conceived as white mares, who were served by a pair of maiden priestesses called White Colts, assisted apparently by a boy priest or priests; for a Laconian inscription describes a certain youthful Marcus Aurelius Zeuxippus as “priest of the Leucippides and neatherd (? bouagor) of the Tyndarids,” that is, of Castor and Pollux. See P. Cauer, Delectus Inscriptionum Graecarum propter dialectum memorabilium, p. 17, No. 36; H. Collitz und F. Bechtel, Sammlung der griechischen DialektInschriften, iii.2, pp. 40ff., No. 4499. " 10.60(112); Tzetzes, Scholiast on Lycophron 546; Tzetzes,

King Leukippos


White Horse Maidens, daughters of Leukippos

Helios Treasures

this includes his heavenly white horses...


nymphs and goddesses who were daughters of Okeanos and Tethys.  Many have horse related names.  The Titanic goddesses are said to probably be cloud goddesses, thus they are in the realm of sky roaming Pegasos.  One of thenymphs is Hippo, "horse".  Theoi.com's page says of her: "HIPPO The Okeanis Nymphe "horse" was the Naias of a stream or Aura of breezes - both winds and waters were often likened to horses."


one is named Leukippe & her sacrificed son was Hippasus (male horse)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Muses, Mountains, and Family of Poseidon

The mountain of the Muses, Helicon, is also sacred to Helios, sun god, later subsumed into Apollo, a hunter and protector god of oaths/truth, honor, and revenge as well as other attributes (the lyre or kithara was played by Apollo and Artemis).  Apollon became  a sunlight god as well as companion of the Muses.  He replaced Helios at his mountain, home of the Muses. 

The Muses

Mnemosyne, one of the Elder Mousai

As you scroll down the Muses page, you will see a menu on the left that  lists many pages of Muse related information. ["Index of Muses Pages"]

Mnemosyne is their mother and Helios is their cousin.  Helios is cousin to Leto, mother of Apollo, too. 

A helicon is also a spiral tuba!  Helicoidal is a spiral form - Helios 'circles' the Earth, but there is movement from north to south and back again, thus the connection of Helios to a spiral form as well as a circle.  Heliogram is communication via flashing sunlight off of mirrors.  Heliotherapy is using sunlight to heal.

Heliozoa are microscopic single celled aquatic animals.  They have spherical shells with fine radiating 'spikes' or needles.  Their name is derived from "Helio-" 'sun, solar', and "zooion", 'animal'.  This is  a good illustration of how spirals are connected to Helios with his circular seeming orbit that is really a spiral because of the Earth's motion around the Sun. 

The Hippocrene Spring or Fountain is opened by the white horse of the Sun, who flies high in the sky.  (Other "Greek" gods also from Anatolia include Medusa, Pegasus, Artemis, Leto, Rhea/Kybele, Zeus, aspects of Hera, Aphrodite, etc., etc.)

It is also known that the lunar connection is 'seen' via the crescent hooves, white like the moon.  Some are not white though, like these Pegasos Aithiopikos:

  The hippocampus is important in consciousness and magickal or meditative work.  It has a connection to the Muses, and thus to Pegasus, the most famous of Poseidon's animal children.

Poseidon is the god of the horse in Hellenic myth.  Horses came with migrants, invaders, and colonists from Asia, and were also brought by ship to islands.  Thus Poseidon is a 'father' of horses, bringing them to different peoples and lands.

Poseidon is the "husband of Da", or Don, goddess of the Earth.  She evolves into Da-Mater, a younger child-bearing age version of Dea Mater, Mother of the Gods.  She is an aspect of her Mother, Rhea, even as Kore is an aspect of Demeter.  A different theory is that his name means "Lord of the Waters".

here is the Poseidon page on Theoi.com.

Demeter is also a mare goddess.  Poseidon raped her in horse form, and she became Demeter Erinys "Furious", and gave birth to the goddess Despoina, "She Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken". 

Despoina is the embodiment of innocence and violation, peace and rage,  giver of gifts and shuns the impious and wicked.  She is likely a prototype of Persephone,and her shrines were in Arcadia.  Her brother is the horse Arion.

Pegasus has a brother, Khrysaor.

Their mother is Medusa, boar toothed and bristled, snake haired, and winged. She/they are likely an aspect of Athene, also winged and associated with snakes and aggressive, war-like behavior..  This is from the Gorgon page:

Greek Name


Latin Spelling

Guardian, Queen
Eurualh                   Euryalê                 Euryale  Wide-Stepping (euryalê) *
Sthenno Strong (sthenos)

Medusa is Queen, Potnia.  Potnos or Pos-eidon is Lord.

Gorgons are considered storm-bringers, winds, etc. and exhibit powers similar to Poseidon. 

Pegasos is the beauty and warmth of the spring, the rain that makes the earth flourish and the warm breeze that encourages things to grow.  He carries thunderbolts and lightning for his uncle Zeus.

Athene had Poseidon as a consort in ancient times and a suitor in her 'virgin' times.  Athene had a son, Erichthonios, half serpent, half man, by Hephaestus (Ptah).  If she were a pure maiden, she would not have intercourse.  A virgin is a free woman, unmarried and unbound by marital "propriety" or the laws of men. Unmarried does not mean infertile or chaste.  Virgin means no man rules her.  Her similarities to Anat may be instructive to more ancient ways of perceiving or depicting this goddess.  Anat is also a "pure maiden", a back-handed way to address the headstrong goddess.

The Libyans believed that Poseidon was the father of Athene and that Tritonis was her mother. (Lake Tritonis - also part of her connection with Neith or Egypt.) Her Greek mother, Metis, is probably a Greek version of Ma'at in her Wisdom aspect.

The serpent haired Lamia is also a daughter of Poseidon and Tritonis. Lamia is similar to Medusa in form and parentage.
Khrysaor is also a title of Zeus, Apollo, Artemis, and Demeter. Khrysaor has a half-brother in the skies named Orion, son of Poseidon.

Khrysaor is associated with the constellation of the winged boar, now called Ursa Major.  Demeter Khrysaoros (golden blade) accepted pig sacrifices to ensure a fruitful planting of the newly harvested grain. 
Poseidon also accepted boar or pig sacrifices.

Arion has a sister, Despoina.   Despoina is also a title of Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite, and Hekate.
She is horse headed on a human body.  She is accompanied by a serpent (mother symbol) and a dolphin (father symbol).

Bellerophon is possibly a son of Poseidon also.

Here is a link to pages of Greek Constellations.

  Click HERE for a good article that explains more about the Anatolian-Greek mythic, cultural, and
linguistic connections.

The energies of Pegasus are as much about the hidden Poseidon-Neptune-water-freedom-victory energy,
Poseidon Consort of the Mother as fertile, generous, abundant enlivener, and Medusa as Queen, the hidden or repressed Mother aspect of the  warrior goddess who is transformed into an apotropaic demon that repels evil,  remaining a decorative element on city walls and fulfilling a function as a protective aspect of the City Goddess. Protector, Helper, Liberator, Giver of the Waters of Truth and Beauty, Bringer of Rain in Spring, Inspiration, and Lightning.

War God's Horse Song

You will find this and other poems at the CarryPoem Blog.

Pascale’s Story: ‘The War God’s Horse Song’

The War God’s Horse Song
I am the Turquoise Woman’s son
On top of Belted Mountain beautiful horses
slim like a weasel

My horse has a hoof like a striped agate
his fetlock is like fine eagle plume
his legs are like quick lightning

My horse’s body is like an eagle-feathered arrow
My horse has a tail like a trailing black cloud
The Holy Wind blows through his mane
his mane is made of rainbows

My horse’s ears are made of round corn
My horse’s eyes are made of stars
My horse’s head is made of mixed waters
(from the holy waters)
(he never knows thirst)

My horse’s teeth are made of white shell
The long rainbow is in his mouth for a bridle
and with it I guide him

When my horse neighs
different-coloured horses follow

When my horse neighs
different-coloured sheep follow

I am wealthy because of him
Before me peaceful
Behind me peaceful
Under me peaceful
Over me peaceful
Peaceful voice when he neighs
I am everlasting and peaceful
I stand for my horse
Pascale Petit is a French/Welsh poet living in the UK. She teaches creative writing in the galleries at Tate Modern

Horses and Horse Goddesses

submitted by Demetria:

More symbolic horse links:
horse headed Kannon (male Kwan Yin) - white horse 'crown' or cap

More on Japanese horses, divine and mundane -

Photo - Wooden Horse Gods - Pakistan

"Horse Tattoos
what do they mean?  Horse Tattoo Designs and Symbols -
Horse Tattoo meanings" .  Beautiful art and photos, good horse lore and history.

Quotations about Horses

Horse - Buddhism, Hinduism, Indo-European Paganism

Linguistics can be key in identifying functions, attributes, and culture about many things.  These links explore the horse and its attendant words or phrases.  If the linguistic charts make one dizzy, skip them and read the discussion parts about the connections between cultures and words, the evolution of meaning and maybe even horse evolution in human society, from food to mount to draft animal. These are all from Language Log.
The linguistic history of horses, gods, & wheeled vehicles

history of horse and wheel

More on Indo European wheels & horses

Google Books has excerpts for "Horse: How the Horse Has Shaped Civilizations".
Horse Goddesses:
We have quite a bit of information about Demeter available.  Much is easily
accessed at Theoi.com.  There are other female deities who are equine related.

One of the best pages I have seen about Epona, Celtic/Gallic horse goddess:



Cambodian horse god/goddess, Harappan to Hindu,
solar eclipse,  plus star lore @ Draco, Agastya-Canopus, & More!

only a tiny bit here

Fortuna Equestris

Anthat, Diana, Etain,
and a few others are in this 'Dictionary of Ancient Deities' at Google Books - (use the 'search' box with the words horse, donkey, ass, or equine - alone or with god, goddess, or deity.),

The Horse of Anat-Astarte 
her special beast, even as the lion is - excerpt from "Gods, Goddesses, and Images of God in Ancient Israel"

Hera Hippia and Poseidon Hippios shrine 
there are a number of horse references with Hera you will find when you type 'horse' into the search box on the left.

Horse gods, horse lore, horseflesh taboo

Here are some other equine associated lore to add to your divine equine knowledge.; from Demetria:

Pegasus - Rich's Pegopedia
this site is all about winged horses - excellent reference tool.  Pegopedia is the best name for this collection!

this is interesting ... I think it is from a Slavic writer -

Hengist & Horsa:
History - biography of Hengist
History & Folklore of Hengist & Horsa

For Fun - Speculation that Hengist is related to the name Genghis and Aengus -

Loki, mother of Sleipnir

Odin, Woden
-  "Horse in Magic & Myth", Google Books

picture of Odin on Sleipnir

How Odin became Santa Claus - 8 legged horse becomes 8 reindeer!-

Serious Odin article

Woden - dream oracles, Valkyries, horses
Wodan - excellent!!!

Wodan -another good article - Germanic - Saxon

Ashvin Twins -Surya is here also

horse-headed female symbol of Hindu astrology's first Nakshatra (Lunar mansion), and Shatabhishak, fourth from end of the list:

The sons of Zeus - (They are also cousins of Pegasus and Arion.)


A Theosophical take on the Gemini twins 
Dioscuri, Castores, Kabiri:

Photo of coin - Apollo obverse, Dioscuri watering their horses on reverse.




Chiron -centaurs, asteroids, exoplanets 




Vishnu - Kalki

Horse headed Vishnu

Horse King, Horse Avatar

the Vedic Horse

St. George  & other Christian saint patrons of horses - scroll down!

Ride horses through fire
Christian festival in Spain -

Mabon, Mapon


Eochu Ollathair, the Dagda 
the 8 pronged war club carried on a wheel contains
a similar element to Odin's horse Sleipnir having 8 legs &  Santa's 8 reindeer.


ASB - "horse" 
(note similarity to Indian "Ashv_") - Encyclopedia Iranica - Persian,
Parthian, Iranian, Scythian/Sarmatian, Achaemenid, Sasanian, Median, military,
the Avestas (Zoroastrian), Islamic, polo, sports, hunting, etc. 

Horse Worship

Vedic Horse Worship

Indian & Chinese Horse Myths

Mythical Horses

Some Asian Horse Lore

History of the Icelandic Horse

Northern European horse lore

Sleipner, from the Ultimate Horse Site -
theory @ 8 legs too! -

"The Magic of the Horseshoe with other folk-lore notes" 
this is a Sacred Text site with a scan of a book from 1898.  It covers diverse information about horsey superstitions or magic, and also addresses the role of the smith god and his relationship with horses. 
Very Worthwhile!

The Asvamedha Ritual - Indo-European Horse Sacrifice of Ancient India

White Horse Mythology - many links!

Another horse riding goddess form, Magog

Medusa by astrologer Demetra George - this is an excellent article on
serpent & goddesses Medusa and Athena, including Pegasus references.

A great photo of a Gorgon symbol, and a Slavic take on Medusa & sisters ...

1/4 down the page, clear color photo of Medusa holding her children -

Gorgons - pictures

Amazons & Horses

Sex & Gender in the Equine in Literature 
sections on the equine as representing human sexuality, the heroes horse, and the woman's inner equine.

Bronze Age Goddesses in Wagon or Boat - English is not their native tongue!

Egyptian jewelry - Bes w/ horse led by attendant - you have to enlarge it
to see them, but they are there!  There is also a photo of Wisdom Goddess Sophia
in a horse-drawn chariot. 

Tiger Lilies and related folklore, including some about horse deities in the Ancient Near East.

Prehistoric Rock Art of Kazakhstan - horses in fig. 2 - (Terekty Aulie)

Divine Horse and Horse God materials

thanks to Demetria for suggesting these books and articles:

Poseidon is a horse deity many of us are most familiar with .  This article is titled,
"Poseidon the Horse God and the Early Indo-Europeans". (Google Docs)

Magnificent Horses Bring the Chi of Wealth, Courage, & Power

Thracian - Dacian inscriptions for horsemen -about 3/4 of the way down the page.
The Language of the Thracians" -

Macedonian (Thracian) -
more on the mezana or horseman of Thrace,
now part of Macedonia and Bulgaria.  Look about halfway down the page.
It explores many linguistic connections, including between Albanian and Basque words
for horse.  The Basque are the last remaining native Europeans who do NOT speak
an Indo-European language.  It also relates to the Iliad and the Odyssey, bringing us back to the world that knew of Poseidon, the name Mezana (a local Zeus horse god),

the ancient goddess Mezana, Mantas, Mantra, Mentes, Mendes, etc.
who was a city patron goddess and  a nursing donkey mother.

Norse - Medieval horse cult - Frey, Sleipnir, Valhalla, Christianity, burials, etc.

"They sang for horses: the impact of the horse on Navajo & Apache folklore":

"Eat not this flesh: food avoidances from prehistory to the present" -  prohibition and taboo re: eating horses - Excerpt Chapter - "Horseflesh"-

The Sumerians and the Gemini Twins - Sumerian and astronomical interpretations as
origins of the divine horse-twins & solar chariots in Indo-European mythology.

There's plenty more in Google Books and Docs.  Just type in the horse name
or deity of your choice, and see how it goes.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Poseidon is the "husband of Da", or Don, goddess of the Earth.  She evolves into Da-Mater, a younger child-bearing age version of Dea Mater, Mother of the Gods.    She is an aspect of her Mother, Rhea, even as Kore is an aspect of Demeter.  A  different theory is that his name means "Lord of the Waters".

View the Poseidon page on Theoi.com.

The energies of Pegasus are as much about the hidden Poseidon-Neptune-water-freedom-victory energy,
Poseidon Consort of the Mother as fertile, generous, abundant enlivener, and Medusa as Queen, the hidden or repressed Mother aspect of the warrior goddess who is transformed into an apotropaic demon that repels evil,
remaining a decorative element on city walls and fulfilling a function as a protective aspect of the City Goddess.
Protector, Helper, Liberator, Giver of the Waters of Truth and Beauty, Bringer of Rain in Spring, Inspiration, and Lightning.


Friday, February 4, 2011


Pegasus is the son of Medusa and Poseidon.  His name means "fountain horse."  He is the creator of inspirational springs, and is friend of The Muses.

Below are some articles about Pegasus:

Historical Pegasus

Pegasus, Memory, the Brain, and the Muses

Wikipedia Article With Pedigree of Pegasus


Some of Plato's Dialogs, Timeaus and Critias, include something about Atlantis, and were used as sources for this liturgy.

Here is the text of  Timaeus   with an article about it. and also a Wikipedia article about it.

Here is the text of  Critias , an article about it, and a Wikipedia article about Critias.

Timaeus provides  a brief introduction to Atlantis, while Critias includes a more detailed description.  These are the only historical written records about Atlantis.


Cleito, a mortal woman,  was the daughter of Evenor and Leukippe, who dwelt on the central mountain of the island of Atlantis.

 With Poseidon, Cleito gave birth to five pairs of twin boys who became the rulers of Atlantis.   Their names were: Atlas and Eumelus (or Gadeirus); Ampheres, and Evaemon; Mneseus, and Autokhthon (Autochthon); Elasippus, and Mestor; and, finally, Azaes and Diaprepes.

Cleito's descendants were the rulers of Atlantis and the surrounding seas for untold generations.

Cleito and Atlantis are mentioned in the Kritias by Plato.

Stewart, Michael. "People, Places & Things: Cleito", Greek Mythology: From the Iliad to the Fall of the Last Tyrant.


Plato says Atlantis lay outside the Pillars of Hercules.

here are some articles about Atlantis:
Wikipedia article

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ray One

The Winged Pegasus corresponds to Ray One of the FOI glyph.
There is an esoteric system of Rays that have come down to us from the Vedas, about which Alice Bailey and others have written.  Below are some links to some articles about the Seven Rays.  The Winged Pegasus expresses the First Ray, which represents Will or Power. .

The Seven Rays

The Seven Rays 2

Wikipedia article about the Seven Rays

Psyche: Magical Journeys of the Goddess

the Psyche series of liturgies has an interesting structure.  Its two parts are dedicated to The Spiral of Tiamat and The Rays of Ishtar.  The earth and the stars.

The glyph of the Fellowship of Isis depicts an eight pointed star  with a spiraling dragon coiling around it.  In part one, this spiral progresses from the earth...to the moon...to the sun...to the galaxy. Part two takes us beyond the galaxy to Sirius, brightest star in our sky, and mystical gateway to the seven levels of consciousness that arer represented by the jewels (or rays) of Ishtar.

Seven constellations correspond to these jewels. Pegasus is one of them.